Wednesday, May 20, 2009

two years ago tomorrow.

two years ago tomorrow marks the day that my dad died. it feels so much shorter than two years ago. i'm amazed, still, at the waves of grief that sneak in. and i'm amazed, still, at the sweetness of God and how beautifully he was glorified through dad's life. most of me is happy that dad is free and in the presence of Jesus. but i'd be lying if i said that there wasn't a part of me that still aches for him. some days i get sweet memories of him flooding back. and i'm pretty sure, on those days, i can smell him and recall the touch of his skin as certain as if i had just seen him. the love that a child has for their daddy, especially a daughter, is a fragile thing. so isn't it something to see the Holy Spirit at work when life is redeemed after such brokenness?
i don't have much to say on dad's passing. it seems odd to revisit the same thing, every year, out loud to public eyes. but then again, it would seem odd for me not to mention the man who gave me life.
dad. i sure do miss saying his name.

(to read about my dad and to know his story, click on 'dad' above)


Bella said...

I will be praying for your sweet spirit tomorrow. I hope it is a good day, full of remembrance.

Diana said...

I'm so sorry - I didn't realize you were coming up on that anniversary again. I'll be praying for you :)

Tay's Mom said...

praying for peace for you today and tomorrow and always. i am constantly in awe of your perspective, and your passion for Him. your gratefulness for all things. your unconditional, forgiving love to all people, friends and family. i love you. so much.

BrandiB said...

Ashley, you have risen my spirits so many times. I pray that your heart will be comforted even though it's still hurting, I pray that you will always smile and remember what an awesome journey you took with your Dad and how God brought you together through faith and forgiveness.